Amarok is a great Music Player with a friendly and intuitive interface that makes easier to play music, organize, import, etc. This open source software is a good alternative for the commercial music players and it has all the features that you need.

An amazing feature of this Software is for example the capability of integrate web services and expand the potential of this tool by letting you listen Stream music at, buy tracks from Magnatune, find, subscribe and download Broadcast from OPML broadcast directory, Download and upload to your MP3tunes Locker in Amarok, you can also let The Echo Nest recommend songs similar to the ones you already have.

Also this software has support for iPhone, iPod and iPad, an excellent feature if you are not too comfortable with the iTunes features.


  • Scripts.
  • Simplify drag and drop actions with the revolutionary PopUp Dropper menu system.
  • Create playlists that automatically update based on complex, but easy to use, constraints. e.g., tracks from around the year 1967
  • Import your iTunes or old Amarok 1.4 database and keep your playcounts, statistics, and scores.
  • Play your Audio CDs in Amarok, and use the Copy to Collection feature to easily rip them to your local collection.
  • Collection Management
  • Bookmarking
  • Multiple Language Translations.
  • File Tracking, move your music files around or rename them and don’t fear! Amarok will keep track of the files. Your statistics and playlists are safe. As of Amarok 2.2 file tracking can use Musicbrainz identifiers.
  •  Context View
  •  Cross Platform, you can run Amarok on Linux, Mac OS X, and Windows.
  •  Scriptable Services, Integrate other web services into Amarok with community developed services.

[box type=”info”]Wiki info:

Official Website:

Contact: [email protected] or the IRC channel: #amarok[/box]


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Lucas Byteforge, a software expert and MIT Computer Science graduate from San Francisco, California, is the passionate author behind With extensive experience in various software domains and a vision to make high-quality software accessible to everyone, Lucas established the site as a comprehensive platform for discovering, learning about, and utilizing the best free software available. As an avid tech enthusiast, Lucas enjoys attending conferences, participating in coding challenges, and exploring Silicon Valley's startup scene, all while providing expert insights, detailed guides, and reliable recommendations on
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Lucas Byteforge, a software expert and MIT Computer Science graduate from San Francisco, California, is the passionate author behind With extensive experience in various software domains and a vision to make high-quality software accessible to everyone, Lucas established the site as a comprehensive platform for discovering, learning about, and utilizing the best free software available. As an avid tech enthusiast, Lucas enjoys attending conferences, participating in coding challenges, and exploring Silicon Valley's startup scene, all while providing expert insights, detailed guides, and reliable recommendations on