Construct Classic

Construct Classic is a free, DirectX 9 game creator for Windows, designed for 2D games. It has a very light interface for beginners, but powerful enough for advanced users to work without hindrance.

Scirra no longer develops Construct Classic, in order to focus on Construct 2. Construct Classic is, however, open-source, and it´s development has been handed over to the community, an advantage if you ask me, because you have the possibility of generate a thousand of new features and plugins, using this tool according to your needs.

Overall the best thing about Construct Classic is that the fullv ersion is free for download – no nag screens, adverts or restricted features, just the complete program for free.

Construct has many additional features that can power up your game development.


  •  Advanced rendering effects like skew, motion blur, and bumpmapping
  • Physics behavior to add realistic physics simulations to objects
  •  Bone animation system for ultra smooth animations (beta)
  •  Debugger to view the game internal state while playing
  •  Embedded Python scripts for faster advanced processing
  •  3D features such as the 3D box object, and 3D mesh distortion on sprites to elevate or move a grid of points across its image

[box type=”info”]Wiki info:

Official Website:

Twitter: @Scirra




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Lucas Byteforge, a software expert and MIT Computer Science graduate from San Francisco, California, is the passionate author behind With extensive experience in various software domains and a vision to make high-quality software accessible to everyone, Lucas established the site as a comprehensive platform for discovering, learning about, and utilizing the best free software available. As an avid tech enthusiast, Lucas enjoys attending conferences, participating in coding challenges, and exploring Silicon Valley's startup scene, all while providing expert insights, detailed guides, and reliable recommendations on
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Lucas Byteforge, a software expert and MIT Computer Science graduate from San Francisco, California, is the passionate author behind With extensive experience in various software domains and a vision to make high-quality software accessible to everyone, Lucas established the site as a comprehensive platform for discovering, learning about, and utilizing the best free software available. As an avid tech enthusiast, Lucas enjoys attending conferences, participating in coding challenges, and exploring Silicon Valley's startup scene, all while providing expert insights, detailed guides, and reliable recommendations on