

Gimpshop an opensource money saving alternative developed by Scott Moschella , is a downloadable photo and image editing software program … Keep Reading


1 - songbird

Songbird is a desktop music  player alternative to Itunes, Microsoft Windows Media Player and WinAmp. Think of it as Itunes … Keep Reading

xVideoServiceThief xVST

1 - xvideoservicethief xvst

xVideoServiceThief or xVST a video download utility that lets you download video from several video websites including adults and automatically converts the video to your desired format


2 - tuxguitar

TuxGuitar is a great music composing and studying program with no pretensions to being an actual DAW, although it does … Keep Reading


3 - avidemux

Avidemux is an Open source video editing software program similar to Kino, Cinelerra and VirtualDub an alternative to Microsoft Movie … Keep Reading


Audacity a free opensource sound editing software

Audacity is free, open source software for recording and editing sounds. It is available for Mac OS X, Microsoft Windows, … Keep Reading



Do уоu wаnt turn your соmрutеr intо a MеdiаCеntеr HTPC? Nоt mаnу рrоgrаmѕ com with thе fеаturеѕ thаt уоu need, … Keep Reading



Are you sick of not being able to view PSD thumbnails in Windows anymore? Learn how to do it with Sagethumbs an OpenSource alternative